Teen and young adult group
Our teen and young adult group (TYA) is a group of local young people that meet professionals from Big C and the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, to gain peer, emotional and practical support. The group meets once a month, sometimes online and other times in person, enjoying a wide variety of activities.
If you would like to find out more about the teen and young adult group, please fill out the form below, call 0800 0927640 or email support@big-c.co.uk.
6pm – 8pm
2nd Wednesday of the month
In person and on Zoom
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Activities and outings include bowling, baking, arts and crafts, and yoga.
The group is facilitated by staff at Big C and supported by consultants and nurses from the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital and Teenage Cancer Trust. The team at Big C help arrange the activities and outings and are there if you need extra 1:1 support and access to all Big C services.
If you would like to come along to a TYA session, get in touch below to find out more.
We’ve helped people like Louise
Following a routine mammogram screening, Louise was told that a lump was found in her breast, resulting in a breast cancer diagnosis in August 2019. This is her story…
We can help you work through the maze of cancer information.
At our centres across the region, we offer support to anyone affected by cancer.
About us
We are a local, people-first charity providing outstanding cancer support.
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