The Royal Marsden Hospital, London
The Royal Marsden is a world leader in cancer care, pioneering treatment and ground-breaking research. With dedicated units for all cancer types, The Royal Marsden provides care during diagnosis, treatment and beyond. Sometimes patients from Norfolk and surrounding counties may be referred to other hospitals outside of the county for specialised treatments, such as The Royal Marsden.
The Royal Marsden Hospital main switchboard:
020 7352 8171
The Royal Marsden Macmillan Hotline:
020 8915 6899
The Royal Marsden,
203 Fulham Road,
Getting to the hospital
The address is The Royal Marsden Hospital, 203 Fulham Road, Chelsea, London, SW3 6JJ
Public transport
If you’re travelling to London by train, you can either take a taxi from the station, or use the London Underground. The nearest Tube station to Royal Marsden is South Kensington, about seven minutes walk through Onslow Square to Fulham Road. The Piccadilly, District and Circle lines serve South Kensington station.
Cancer services
The Royal Marsden Hospital has dedicated units for all cancer types and provides care during diagnosis, treatment and beyond.
The hospital also has specialist paediatric facilities for children and young people.
At our centres across the region, we offer support to anyone affected by cancer.
About us
We are a local, people-first charity providing outstanding cancer support.
We fund vital, world-class research to help prevent, diagnose and treat cancer.
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