Cancer and loneliness
Living with cancer can at times bring with it lots of different emotions, which can include feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. For many, even those with a large family and broad friendship circle, cancer can feel lonely.
Here for you
It can be difficult to feel that people fully understand you and grasp what you are experiencing. It may be that you like to keep things private and fear people will treat you differently. Or simply that you don’t know many people or that your loved ones aren’t near.
Our Support Centres offer a safe environment for you to be able to drop-in or book an appointment and have someone to talk to confidentially. Or, if you feel more comfortable at home, we can talk on the phone or online too.
Join a support group
Our support groups at Big C provide you with the opportunity to meet other people who are living with cancer, to share stories and support one another.
Support from other organisations
There are some fantastic charities, community groups and organisations who hold events, activities and have resources that may be helpful and sometimes trying something different can be a positive experience. We’ve put together some useful organisations and websites for you to explore.
Ideas that may ease loneliness
- Join a local interest group
- Visit or call one of our Centres
- Join a Big C support group
- Sign up to receive visits or phone calls from a local befriending organisation
- Recognise times when you may feel most alone and plan things to keep you busy
- Plan to do things you enjoy
- Learn new ways to keep in contact with people
- Visit your local library and find out about their array of free activities
At our centres across the region, we offer support to anyone affected by cancer.
About us
We are a local, people-first charity providing outstanding cancer support.
We fund vital, world-class research to help prevent, diagnose and treat cancer.
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